Into the Higher Dimensions

How many dimensions are there? Most people will say 4: height, length, depth, and time; 3 spatial, and 1 temporal. However there is a theory which stats that there are actually 9 dimensions, 10 if you include the 0th dimension. My goal here is to explain each dimension and help you understand each of them.

The first concept you absolutely MUST understand is the point-line-plane postulate. This will be easier to explain using the first few dimensions since we are able to visualize them. You start off with a single point of indeterminate size. This is the 0th dimension. Now take another point somewhere else and draw a line from the first to the second point. This is the 1st dimension: it has a length but no height or depth. If you draw a second line crossing the first line, you create a plane with height and length but to height, entering the 2nd dimension. The third dimension is the easiest for us to visualize because it has height length and depth, just like our world, but in order to understand the higher dimensions, you must think of the 3rd dimension in a different way.

Point-line-plane with a fold
Imagine an ant crawling on a two dimensional newspaper. In order to get the ant to move from one spot on the newspaper to another spot without ever being in between is by folding the 2D newspaper through the next higher dimension (in this case the 3rd dimension), creating a bridge from one place to another.
If you take these concepts and repeat it, you can start to picture the other dimensions. Point, line, plane, and fold the plane.

So let’s try this starting at the 3rd dimension. Imagine a 3D snapshot of space in time. The 3rd dimension becomes a point. Take another 3D point and you can draw a line connecting the two points creating the 4th dimension, time. This is when things star to get a bit tricky since we only live in 4 dimensions. As we did before, we will now draw another line intersecting the line we just made, creating the 5th dimension.

Image source: superflux
I know what you must be thinking. How is there another line? Well there are actually MANY lines that branch off from the one we are traveling on, each representing a different version of us. For example, one branch would be a version of us if we skipped school and another would be a version of us if some life altering event never happened.

Following the same pattern from the 0th to the 3rd dimension, we will now fold the 5th dimension through the 6th dimension. With this concept, we can see ourselves as the ant on the newspaper. If we were able to access the 6th dimension, we would be able to travel to any point in the 5th dimension and perhaps enter a world where we were all millionaires.

As I stated before, there are 10 dimensions and we are only on the 6th. The journey after this becomes much weirder. If you would like to read more about this, leave a comment below and I’ll post about the 7th through 9th dimensions. Here is a link to a video explaining the 10 dimensions: He does a great job explaining each dimension in detail. If you don’t have the patience to watch all 100 minutes of it, the first 10 minutes are an overview of all 10 dimensions.


  1. This whole concept of a multidimensional multiverse is just amazing. It all theoretically makes sense, and it's concepts like this that could lead to some pretty crazy inventions in the future.

    1. NASA is currently working on a warp drive that can bend space so we can get to places faster!

  2. Is this also the one about the parallel universe? Adding the concept of time makes it a lot trickier

    1. It's quite easy to picture time, imagine a 3-D sphere containing each single possible timeline starting from its center point (Big Bang) and extending out to the surface of the sphere. Each line is a one single sequence of causal connections forming a timeline, composed of each single 'snapshot' of the 3-D physical universe at any point in time, so resulting in a linear 4-dimensional 'space-time'.

      Now as freedom of choice allows different outcomes to happen in the mind, there is a degree of variability in the causal mechanism, where a direction is always chosen as time goes forward, creating timelines branching off to the sides, extending the time realm into this 3D shape representing the 4-5-6th dimensions, an entire realm of time, analogous to our model of dimensions 1-2-3 of space, with individual 3D snapshots of all of space being single points in this bigger sphere.

      Then once more, if we had all of possible timelines contained as a single object, a multiverse, this could be represented again as a single point in a bigger 3D sphere representing dimensions 7-8-9, and whose position within the sphere would translate into different starting conditions for the multiverse, laid out on a plane where x and y -different ratios of Dark Energy versus Gravitational force - will produce the full spectrum of possible multiverses, ranging from ones which will end in a Big Rip due to too much Dark Energy or not enough force of Gravity, to those which will end up in a Big Crunch due due to the reverse conditions.

      The center point of the plane represents the perfect balance of both forces and this would be the multiverse with the most possible outcomes, technically infinity, as the Gravity and Dark Energy having equal influence would mean there would be timelines going forward, with space expanding for eternity with the fabric of space never getting ripped apart from excess expansion or collapsing back into itself from excess contraction, therefore being eternal. Multiverses towards the center of the plane having more balanced ratios would allow longer lifespans of their potential Universes. This central multiverse would have the exact initial conditions for the maximum possible number of its potential timelines to have infinite length, and points in the periphery are multiverses that would have shorter and shorter potential lifespans.

      The 9th dimension is the 'phase' space for the 7th and 8th, the same way as the 3rd dimension of space or the 6th dimension of time are to their respective spheres, and so you can visualize, using the same 3-dimension spherical model, a single particle of matter (a 0-D point) as a fixed point within the observable Universe sphere (3-D space), which is a fixed point within a 6-D Multiverse sphere (time), which is a fixed point inside a 9-D Omniverse sphere (rules).

      The 10th dimension is the same as the 0th dimension. A 9-D object again appears as a point from the higher dimensional perspective. A 0th/10th dimension would represent the leap from the combined totality of all possible forms of existence (as a single 9-dimensional object), to a single volume-less point in physical space (which is a single 0-dimensional object).
